Page name: wanna be pumpkins [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-06-21 21:51:16
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
# of watchers: 22
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Wanna Be Pumpkins

Pumpkin Royalty

Queen :
Queen's sister : [Fallen Child Athena] 
Prince :
Princess : [Hereby Deleted] 
Chancellor : [Shatureel]
Chamberlain :  
Grand Duke : dark lord [skullhead]
Grand Duchess : 
Marquess of Pumpkin Land :
Marchioness of Pumpkin Land :
Earl of Pumpkin Land : Count
Countess :
Viscount : 
Viscountess : 
Baron :
Baroness : [playgirl_10]
Royal Flag Maker :

Pumpkin Castle Military

ROYAL GUARD : [crazycookie]
Dungeon Keeper : [DRACE] 
Executioner : [LittleAssassin]
Dragoons (Dragon Knights) : [It takes a disaster to learn a lesson]
_________ : [00000000000]
_________ :
_________ : [Monster Master]
Mage :

Pumpkin Castle Entertainers

Royal Pumkin DJ : [DeeJay™]
Castle Bard :
Castle Head Jesters :[kittykittykitty]
Castle Jesters :
_________ :
_________ :
_________ :
Mischievous Wanderer :
Official Royal Tiger :

Pumpkin Land Citizens

[Drake SC]
[davie_wonder00 (dude)]
[Music of the Night]
[Princess Of Rock]
[Prince Nightbourne]
[former user#5]
[Fallen Child Athena]
[¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™]

If you wish to become a member of Pumpkin Land please send [Shatureel] a message with comment.

[Any member of the Royal Family that is missing from Elfpack more then 3 months will lose there Royal Title]


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Also Visit Dreamers/Believers

Rules : Story line must be 4 words. If you wish to talk make sure your messages are in brackets, or something, like DJ said.

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[pumpkin king]: ......

[Fallen Child Athena]: ...................

[pumpkin king]: whay wont you visit the Castle lady [Fallen Child Athena]?

[pumpkin king]: oh yeah. i just freed you from getting glued. :D

[Fallen Child Athena]: lol.......and thank you

[pumpkin king]: lol

[Fallen Child Athena]: *bows down*

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: OMG HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Fallen Child Athena]: how are you?

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: meh..confused but ok i guess lmao  u?

[Fallen Child Athena]: im ok.........want to join my wiki?


[Fallen Child Athena]: yep you do

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: who dus what?

[Fallen Child Athena]: we get a free wish

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: lmao yes, its cool and i....made it! wooh

[Fallen Child Athena]: *jumps up and down* wooh

[Fallen Child Athena]: *pokes* haha

[Fallen Child Athena]: hey i thought i was the Visountess

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: Visountess?

[pumpkin king]: uhm... i raised your position

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: lmaonaiseeeee

[pumpkin king]: is that better?

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: um....LMAONAISE

[Fallen Child Athena]: oh ok..............thanks

[lustful.hearts]: hello every one

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: LMG HI

[pumpkin king]: LMG??? what is that?

[Fallen Child Athena]: i want to know

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: um.....lmg was mena b omg, but it can also be LIG and that can be LIGASIS

[pumpkin king]: ........

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: LIG =legolas is gay, LIGASIA = legolas is gay and so is aragon

[lustful.hearts]: ha ha lmao i hate those movies

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: muahahahahaha, well guess wot? LIGASIA

[Shatureel]: Hello all

[pumpkin king]: HI!

[Firenze]: Hallo!

[Shatureel]: Whats up?

[pumpkin king]: *grins* this supposed to be a fake smile. (damn! my jaw muscles hurts)

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: ligasia ligasia LIGASIA

[lustful.hearts]: lol haha ha

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: yuhuhup

[Fallen Child Athena]: so whats up?

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: umm......pumpkins are ruling my pics wooh, but the ones you CANNOT SEE wooh go me,    hey that rhymes

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: yuppys

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: i duno

[lustful.hearts]: soooooooo

[lustful.hearts]: yup yup

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: mmmmmm

[Fallen Child Athena]: so whats up?

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: dunno....u?

[Fallen Child Athena]: *pokes harder*

[lustful.hearts]: *pokes your eye out*

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: *crawls on floor trying t find eye* oh well *realises i cant cry anymore....stretches out arms and walks round zombie like scaring every1 and poking there eys out*

[Fallen Child Athena]: *looks at you

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: *looks back* what? have i got something in my teeth?

[Fallen Child Athena]: no but i found your eyes

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: cool....can i have them *holds out hands hopefully*

[Fallen Child Athena]: *hands you your eyes* there you go (((gtg class))

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: *puts eyes in and waves* bye

[Fallen Child Athena]: *waves* im back

[lustful.hearts]: he he what have i started *looks at [Sexual;Spasm___x]*hey wait amount yournot supposed to have eyes any more i poked them out their supposed to stay that way

[Fallen Child Athena]: well i gave them back

[lustful.hearts]: soo they still dont work ha ha * devices evil plan against any one who i feel like devising an evil plan aainst* tee hee

[lustful.hearts]: *sticks out tounge then says " oh um if you want to join my evil plan raise your hand"*

[Fallen Child Athena]: *smacks self on forehead*((be back in awhile))

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: *waves* bye again *waves* hi every1!

[lustful.hearts]: ok hey now one whants o join me in my evilplan how sad

[Fallen Child Athena]: *raises hand* i will [lustful.hearts]

[lustful.hearts]: yay okay *whispers evil plan into your ear*

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: i want evil plan! wooh lemme join woooooooh evil nesssss kill kill kill die die die wooooooohooooooooooooooo and torture: meating isobel! heaven: killing her! wooooooohoooooooooo

[Fallen Child Athena]: ooooooooooo nice one [lustful.hearts]

[lustful.hearts]: ya i was only trying to scare people know I ACTUALL have to come up with a plan.....SHIT!!

[lustful.hearts]: yes do you want to help

[Fallen Child Athena]: no.....thats your the poker

[lustful.hearts]: ahhhok then how bout we overthrow something *thinks to self* or someone *grins evily and rubs hands together

[Fallen Child Athena]: *thinks* ooooooo nice, lets do it

[lustful.hearts]: yes but who i mean what *smiles inocently* lol actually i know who i want to but i dought any one here would go with me

[Fallen Child Athena]: *another group of turkeys bust in and and order a bunch of Sushi*

[Fallen Child Athena]: oh no help me they are following me again

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: *talkes turkes ties em up and sings to la la la la.....they die....oops*.....well theres your problem sorted! *froliks round the room n hugs everyone.....who want a hug,...............................runs away*

[Fallen Child Athena]: i want a hug

[Fallen Child Athena]: thanks *hugs*

[lustful.hearts]: i feeel leftout

[Prince Nightbourne]: dont worry black rose ive been here fo a few weeks and this is my first comment

[lustful.hearts]: oh wow

[Prince Nightbourne]: yup...yay a second comment :)

[lustful.hearts]: ya sooooo

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: *hugs every1* wow im generous

[Fallen Child Athena]: *hugs you all*

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: ok im not generous no more haha im doin hw das probs y

[lustful.hearts]: *hugs any one in sight

[Fallen Child Athena]: *runs away*

[lustful.hearts]: oh no now i feel realy loved *chases [Fallen Child Athena]*

[Fallen Child Athena]: Help im being chased!

[CrazyFusion]: Hello people,

[lustful.hearts]: ha ha noone one can help you now not from me they cant

[lustful.hearts]: okay ill stop chasing you

[lustful.hearts]: yup who wants cake

[Fallen Child Athena]: me!!!!111

[lustful.hearts]: LOL OK *GIVES poisoness CAKE TO [Fallen Child Athena] but she dosnt know that it makes you tell all your dirty secrets or that ithas poison in it neither do any ofyou cause only i know so far

[Fallen Child Athena]: *eats cake and chokes*

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: i want non fat cake! and hugs...NO I DONT

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: *resusatates* haha u have to cope wiv life

[Fallen Child Athena]: *comes back to life*

[lustful.hearts]: it wasnt deathly poison now you just have to randomly shout out your secrets lol

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: ok....ummmm..........i dont really have many....

[CrazyFusion]: Wat sup!

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: um lusting!

[Fallen Child Athena]: I like my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: oh like my like god! cool likeni like my bros likem8s hahahahaha like

[Fallen Child Athena]: *smiles* did i just say that?

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: omg like yes! loool ill stop wiv da omg's and likes

[Fallen Child Athena]: ok thanks

[lustful.hearts]: ok i wasnt serious [Fallen Child Athena] it was just a joke you dont really have to unless you REALLY want to

[Fallen Child Athena]: i know..i wanted to

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: wtf? confuzled up in my brain, i think its gonna rain......

[pumpkin king]:

riddle me this. riddle me that. "what is the treasure without a map?" if you know the answer or just a hunch, join the Pumpkin Land's Treasure Hunt

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: urmurmurm

[Fallen Child Athena]: i dont know

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: mmmmm randomised....oh weeel

[lustful.hearts]: me either

[Fallen Child Athena]: *thinks*

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: *thinks* wot r we tinking about?

[Shatureel]: Rings Bell Message to all, the [Pumpkin Land Contest] will be put on hold until [pumpkin king] and [honey bunny] return. Thank you one and all*

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: ok. again. and aggggain. and they called it, repetition, lol omg wot am i on?

[lustful.hearts]: ummmmmm i dont know

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: u shud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coz i dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[lustful.hearts]: well maybe someone else does *looks at [Fallen Child Athena] then asks her "what are we all thinking about"*

[Fallen Child Athena]: i dont remember

[lustful.hearts]: well you schould so you schould make it up

[Fallen Child Athena]: we were thinking about that contest

[lustful.hearts]: oh ya and ya do you unerstand that riddle

[Fallen Child Athena]: no i did not

[lustful.hearts]: ya its HARD

[lustful.hearts]: ya i was thinking about joing if i could get people to join with me

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: i was gona but i dnt hav da time wot wiv skl, msn, homework, guitar n piano, t.v, and daydreaming and sleeping. :)

[lustful.hearts]: ohh i c nice

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: yup :)

[pumpkin king]: [kittykittykitty], compliments for the changes! ^^

[kittykittykitty]: Thankies :)

[pumpkin king]: you're most welcome! ^^

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: welcomness

[lustful.hearts]: yay one hug fest *hugs* every1

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: urrrrr

[kittykittykitty]: yayyy hugs all round **hugs** except for [Sexual;Spasm___x] cause hes a scrooooge

[Prince Nightbourne]: the schizo psycho is a girl

[kittykittykitty]: oops ':) I didn't mean it I was just mistaken heh ':/

[kittykittykitty]: :P Ok, Ok, you can have a hug too schizo!

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: im not a scrooge *cries*

[kittykittykitty]: aww I didn't mean it *starts crying too*

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: lol :)

[lustful.hearts]: you are all so funnyi could die laughin

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: what? i give up trying to understand...

[lustful.hearts]: never mind he he lol

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: ok then

[lustful.hearts]: yup yup soooooo

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm in loving everybody we have a swimming pool

[xXxAngelxXx]: Helo all

[lustful.hearts]: hey there

[Fallen Child Athena]: i feel so unloved

[Sexual;Spasm___x]: awww why?

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